That is a picture of cilantro in a bubble. i thought it looked kinda neat so i posted it. well, enjoy (?) 

(From: National Geographic Indonesia Magazine September 2010)
Ok so minggu depan itu ada libur awal puasa. padahal 2minggu yll libur karena para guru pergi ke sisi lauut pangandaraaan *nyanyi* terus minggu sebelumnya libur juga. ah jujur, aku bosen dengan libur. cuma diem dirumah, ga rame. mending sekolah aj ya bsa ktemu temen dll #curhat. anyways, ini jadwal liburan kelas 9 :
  • 9-13 Agustus: Libur awal puasa
  • 16 dan 18 Agustus: Kegiatan Ramadhan kelas IX
  • 19-24 Agustus: Kegiatan Ramadhan kelas VII & VIII. kelas IX KBM
  • 25 Agustus - 3 September: Sekolah biasa, masuk jam 7.30
  • 25-31 Augustus: UH1
  • 4-19 September: Idul Fitri 1431 H
  • 20 September: Back to school
  • UTS sometime in september i think
setelah dilihat libur bulan ini dan bulan depan banyak sekali ya ternyata? PR juga numpuk. hm sudahlah itu saja dari post ini. semoga bermanfaat daaan bagi yang ngerayain : SELAMAT MENUNAIKAN IBADAH PUASA.
8th grade went by so fast. i can't believe i'm in 9th grade already. I bet this year will be very stressful i mean with all the tests and all. So far there's been a lot of breaks and A LOT of homework but the good thing is that the subjects aren't that hard, YET. My fav. subject right now would be.... hm? biology and physics? why? maybe because the teacher makes it easy to understand, which makes my scores high and with high scores i'm happy! haha. 

In 9th grade my friends are the same like my 8th grade class 48 students; 36 girls and only 12 boys. Eh wait, but 1 girl resigned and move to another class. We will miss her. and when one goes out another comes in. its a guy. Head of the student council. i don't really know him much yet but maybe later in the year i'll get to know him more. I don't know.

anyways, i just hope this year wont fly by. Slow and steady... because all my school chumps are AWESOME! aaah so many memories...

well, thats all for now. here's a pic of my friends :D see ya!
@ taman lalu lintas